Società Italiana di Chimica Agraria


Agricultural Chemistry Winter School 2025
The use of Bio-Based Materials in the Agroecosystem:
Plant - Soil - Microbiome interaction

Perugia, Italy
10-13 February 2025



Agricultural Chemistry Winter School 2024
The Sustainable Development Goals: The Role of Agricultural Chemistry in a Circular Economy Perspective
Perugia, Italy
5-8 February 2024


Agricultural Chemistry Winter School 2023
"Stresses" at the Rhizosphere: The Role of Agricultural Chemistry in Solving Challenges Occurring in the Plant-Soil System
Udine, Italy
6-9 February 2023

First announcement


Agricultural Chemistry Winter School 2022
Novel Approaches and Technologies for Current and Future Challenges in Agricultural Chemistry
Udine, Italy
14-17 February 2022

Second announcement [3/03/2022]

First announcement


Agricultural Chemistry Winter School 2021
Interactions between biogeochemical cycles of elements in plant-soil-microbe systems
Torino, Italy
8-11 February 2021


Agricultural Chemistry Winter School 2020
Plant-soil-microbe interactions and ecosystem dynamics in a changing environment
Torino, Italy
10-13 February 2020


Ph.D. Winter School
The role of agricultural chemistry to reconcile soil and environmental quality with food needs
Palermo, Italy
11-14 February 2019

I dott. Enrica Allevato, Sebastian Feil e Rosa Vescio sono risultati vincitori del Premio “Miglior poster”.

Prima circolare
Seconda circolare [26/11/2018]

Ph.D. Winter School
The role of Agricultural Chemistry for a sustainable agricultural production and its traceability
Palermo, Italy
12-15 February 2018

Prima circolare
Seconda circolare [13/11/2017]

Summer School
Ruolo della sostanza organica e delle sostanze umiche nei processi di nutrizione vegetale e nel controllo dell'inquinamento ambientale: lo stato dell'arte
Isola di Ortigia (Siracusa), Italy
6-8 giugno 2017

Prima circolare
Seconda circolare [22/05/2017]
Scheda d'iscrizione
Bando borse di partecipazione

Summer School
Sostanza organica e bioagricoltura
Portici (NA), Italy
3-6 luglio 2017

Scheda d'iscrizione

Ph.D. Winter School
Current challenges in agricultural ecosystems: the need for a multidisciplinary approach
Piacenza, Italy
13-16 February 2017

Prima circolare
Seconda circolare [12/01/2017]
Terza circolare [9/02/2017]

Ph.D. Winter School
Novel approaches to unravel the plant-soil-microbial systems in action
Piacenza, Italy
15-18 February 2016

Prima circolare
Seconda circolare [23/12/2015]
Terza circolare [10/02/2016]

Ph.D. Winter School
Feeding the world: the contribution of research in agricultural chemistry to sustainable development
Piacenza, Italy
9-12 February 2015

Book of Abstracts


Ph.D. Winter School
Rhizosphere at work: soil-plant-microbes interactions, from plant nutrition to soil remediation
Piacenza, Italy
17-20 February 2014

Book of Abstracts

BIONUT-ITN - Summer School
Biochemical and genetic dissection of control of plant mineral nutrition
Gargnano (BS), Italy
23-27 June 2013


Scuola Estiva - Summer School 2013
Tecniche di difesa fitosanitaria a basso impatto ambientale: gli agrofarmaci naturali
Catania, Italy
4-6 giugno 2013

Prima circolare
Scheda d'iscrizione

Ph.D. Summer School
Soil, plant and biomasses in a changing environment
Pieve Tesino (TN), Italy
16-19 May 2012

Programme & Abstracts
For further information plese contact:

Corso interdisciplinare
Agricoltura ed ambiente: problematiche e moderne strategie di ricerca
Pisa, Italy
14-18 febbraio 2011


Summer School 2009
Mineral nutrition in photosynthetic organisms: molecular, physiological and ecological aspects
Maratea, Italy
17-20 June 2009

Preliminary programme

Summer School 2009
An old science for young scientist
Villasimius, Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy
31 May - 4 June 2009

Final programme
Further information, including the proceedings, are available from

XXVI Convegno Nazionale della Società Italiana di Chimica Agraria
Il sistema suolo-pianta tra emergenze e opportunità
Palermo, Italy
30 settembre - 3 ottobre 2008

Selected presentations:
Modulating heavy metal contents and allocation in plants
DNA/RNA-targeted molecular analysis of bacterial communities
Kuikman lecture

International Summer School 2008
Pesticide sustainable uses for a modern agriculture
Metaponto, Matera, Italy
14-19 September 2008

First Announcement

Summer School 2007
(Bio)monitoring and (Bio)remediation of Contaminated Soils
Parco Tecnologico Padano, Lodi, Italy
24-27 June 2007

Prima circolare
Scheda di adesione
Presentations (area riservata)

Scuola di Chimica Agraria
Centro "De Laugier"
19-23 marzo 2006

Presentations (area riservata)